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Monday, March 18, 2013

Monday Update

Mom met with Dr. Cantrell today and seems to be trending very well. Her energy and appetite are slightly improved, and the doc wants to give her another week to recuperate before her next chemo treatment. If she is able to keep up her energy, she will start back with a new type of chemo (CMF + Herceptin) next Monday morning that will be much easier on her liver. Our goal for this week is to increase her appetite, maintain her protein intake, reduce her swelling and treat some of her bumps and bruises so that she can feel more like herself. Thank you all for the prayers!

1 comment:

  1. Delighted to hear the encouraging news. We continue to pray for Patty. Thanks for the updates.


Thank you so much for your thoughts and prayers! Patty and family greatly appreciate your encouragement and love hearing from you.