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Monday, March 11, 2013

Still in the hospital...

Thank you all for checking in and my apologies for not updating the blog since Thursday.  Mom is still in the hospital, though we hope that she will be discharged later in the week.  The chemotherapy that she received two weeks ago is doing its job and has greatly reduced the size of the tumors in and on her liver, but it has also made her sick.  We are relieved that the tumors have shrunk and that she is not experiencing the same pain that she was just a few weeks ago.  However, I think we are all ready for her to head home.

At this point, there is not much more to update.  Mom is ready to come home, but she needs to demonstrate to the doctors that she is capable of leaving the hospital.  I hope to be able to update this blog later in the week announcing that she is at home.  Stay tuned.

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Thank you so much for your thoughts and prayers! Patty and family greatly appreciate your encouragement and love hearing from you.